Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Monotype Printing, layering Continuum and Leather

Patti Kirch's first layers, pages demanding print, acrylics, inks, rhythm...

Vicki Gerton's previous labyrinth wood block print and layers

Vicki Gerton's botanical dyed paper and fabrics, a base for monotype printing layers

Vicki Gerton's hand bound Leather Journal,
Scrap leather from Bonnie Baker, tooled for beauty and bound for function. 

Monotype Print January at Vicki's Studio

Fabrics, textures, rhythms and layers

papers, acrylics, scrapers, pattern blocks

Inks, flowing inks

Winter White and Monotype Print January day

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Safari Tote to classic Hardcover Journals

Safari Tote
hand painted, hand stitched and artist designed
Artist: Barb Sherril

Repurposed envelop transitioned into a multi layered book, including sprayed inks and acrylics, glazed with a gel medium
Artist: Annette Bouchey

House of Women Assemblage
Artist: Annette Bouchey

Karen Schaefer's, Bobi Wilson's, DS Watkin's, Annette Bouchey's and Patti Kirch's (favorite red),  hard covered journals results from Susan Kimmel's workshop held at DS Watkin's Studio.  Susan's Notes outlined tips to smart gluing, exacting measurements, alternative binding, book cloth making, hand saws and hole guide and how to fit everything into one day.

Old Clip Board Inspiration
Karen's ability to post what she likes to look at, techniques she wants to remember, bezels, layers, lace, words, photos inclusive, beautifully all on a clipboard, simply impressive.
I have one question, is it that easy?
Artist: Karen Schaefer

Elemental Book Arts, a collection

Enameled Copper
heated and stitched, hand painted fabrics
 Artist: Barb Sherril

Fire Flower
water soluble shaper, form, diameter, reinforced with stitches gives hints to the artist's work
Artist: Barb Sherril

Raindrops view #1
Artist: Barb Sherril

Raindrops view #2
a dollar sourced box,  a treasure
rocks, beads and hand painted fabric.
A look closer and notice the crystalline agate casper, glass beading
Artist: Barb Sherril