Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Book Arts Show: Visually Speaking - Creatively Read

We had the great pleasure of having our Book Arts show featured on KVEW's Spotlight on the Arts Section. The movie below features Barbara Sherrill, as well as a variety of our pieces being displayed.

Our show at the Allied Arts Gallery, continues through this Friday the 29th of May. Please don't miss this opportunity to view the show.

Spotlight on the Arts Courtesy of KVEW-TV

Kriss Bottino's Alphabet Books on display at the Allied Arts Gallery

1 comment:

  1. Clear photo of Kriss' Alphabet Book Laura!
    Earlier today I attempted to take group shots of our books on display. Hopefully, I will post them tomorrow evening. Thank you for posting KVEW's Spotlight on the Arts of our show at Allied Arts! You definitely rock! patti kirch
