Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Book Arts Show: Visually Speaking - Creatively Read

We had the great pleasure of having our Book Arts show featured on KVEW's Spotlight on the Arts Section. The movie below features Barbara Sherrill, as well as a variety of our pieces being displayed.

Our show at the Allied Arts Gallery, continues through this Friday the 29th of May. Please don't miss this opportunity to view the show.

Spotlight on the Arts Courtesy of KVEW-TV

Kriss Bottino's Alphabet Books on display at the Allied Arts Gallery

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Vicki Gerton's 11-12-13 book

Reposting this entry from December 2013, of a book created by Vicki Gerton. This book will be on display through May 29th at the Allied Arts Gallery in Richland, WA. This was originally posted in December 2013.

The book arts show, Visually Speaking: Creatively Read, by the Tri-City Book Artists is up at the Allied Arts Gallery, 89 Lee Blvd in Richland. Fourteen book artists have 113 pieces of art in the show. The gallery hours are Tuesday - Saturday and hours are T-F 10-5:30, and Sat 10-5. Reception is this Sunday the 10th from 1-3p.m. and the show runs through May 29th. Members will be present as docents during the show to aid in viewing the books and answering questions.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

"Landscape" book by Laura Gable

Being primarily a painter, the Book Arts Group provides me with an opportunity to repurpose my paintings into a different, more intimate form. Here is "Landscape" which was developed from a watercolor painting I did several years ago while taking a class from Don Getz. It was painted on Strathmore Aquarius paper that had been primed with gesso, then once completed, the painting fixed with Blair fixative. It was an interesting process.

Much time passed and one day a dramatic idea arrived. This painting might be better served as a book and I needed to tear it into 16 equal sections. So it became a postcard book. I wrote prose at the bottom of each page, which describes our terrain in a voice reminiscent of John Muir (though not nearly as eloquent). It's housed in a box built from davey board, recycled wall paper, an antique frame, a reproduction of the painting, gold ink and ribbon. It all tucks away rather neatly.

The original painting, torn into equal sized "post cards" is assembled in book form on the right, while a reproduction of the complete painting is mounted in an antique frame on the top of the French Box that I built to house the book. 
The book is tucked away in it's hand built box, made from Davey Board,
wall paper remnants, archival paper, ribbon, antique frame, gold ink, and cold wax finish.

Another view of the book and it's box

"Ephemera Collector" by Laura Gable [reposting]

This book is in the current show at the Allied Arts Gallery through May 30th, so I am reposting this previous entry.


Crow / Ephemera Collector was inspired by my book artist friends. It evolved from being a simple small oil painting on the back of a bamboo box. Inside it has a few small "found objects' that I've collected along the street, much like a crow would do. The companion handmade book with pamphlet stitch is tucked inside-- it includes hand written prose which praises the worthiness of this magical, curious creature.

"Ephemera Collector"
original oil painting on bamboo box, handmade mini book, and collected ephemera;
©Laura Gable